# test notice.

Fr. Joseph Kiran Monteiro, sfx

The Principal

The primary goal of any education is to create people who being well rooted in the past and are capable of doing new things, not just by repeating what other generations have done but who are creative and inventive to meet the needs of the time. It is a people who can be relevant to the time.

It is our strong belief that a sound mind creates sound future. Therefore, the onus to create fit minds lies on the perpetuators of education. Very naturally then education at Fr. Agnel provides such all-round development in which a child's Natural, Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Social and Spiritual development is sought after.

For the last 8 years or in other words from the inception of the School with 7 students, I have been part of the school. I have seen the needs of the people, the hunger of the people who want their children to be educated and so forth. In spite of difficulties, since its inception, the school has been making a steady progress and is growing by leaps and bounds. Thanks to the participation of parents, co-operation of the dedicated staff and the enthusiasm of children. With our limited resources, we strive for the all round development of the children. Besides, the general academic curriculum we organise other co-curricular activities like sports, personality development programmes, elocution competitions, etc. Education is far beyond the four walls of class room or boundaries of the school premises. The children are bright. They need opportunities to display their talents. The purpose of education is precisely that – to draw out or to unfold the power of the mind and also physically nurture the child. Without education human resource development is not possible. Without developing the available human resource we cannot think of nation building. I hope, we are able to continuously contribute to this noble task of nation building through our humble efforts.

A child in our school is a seed that is potential and is carefully nurtured with personal attention and constant watch over into a wholesome and burly tree that can withstand the numerous challenges of the world. The apprehension and the aspiration of parents of our students who belong to lower middle class families is our foremost concern. Their fight to meet the needs of the time clearly shows the difficulty they face to balance household demands with academic excellence of their students. Such parents can rest assure that they have come to the right place.

At Fr. Agnel School, a child can pursue academic heights along with developing co - curricular interests as well. It is our task to polish the natural skills present in each child. Our dedicated staff is the unseen force that relentlessly works to tap the potential of each child. An Agnelite emerges as intellectual, responsible, Co-operative, friendly, kind, loving and moreover a true human being. Teachers in Fr. Agnel School are not simply the guiding force; they are those who accompany their students. It is very interesting to watch how an earnest and inquisitive mind is quenched with the right morals and right knowledge

Parental community is an important force that guides us as well. Time and again their advice and opinions are sought. A positive link with parents helps in achieving educational success. If you haven’t paid a visit to Fr. Agnel, as yet we will be more than happy to receive you. Before I sign off I leave you with something of APJ Abdul Kalam: “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.”

Fr. Joseph Kiran Monteiro


Venerable Fr. AgneloDe Souza was born on the 21st January 1869, in one of the most beautiful and picturesque village named Anjuna in Goa.Fr. Agnelo joined the Society of Pilar as a candidate on 17th July 1897, was ordained deacon on 18th December 1897 and was conferred priesthood on 24th September 1899.

Fr. Agnelo was a man of strong faith and a zealous Priest.As kid he was an inspiring and exemplary child among his colleagues in the school. At the early age he knew the basic teachings and prayers of the Catholic Church and taught the same to other children. As a priest he worked in several places in the Portuguese jurisdiction, serving the poor and marginalized. When the Society was on the verge of extinction, he had the courage and faith to make a prophetic statement, “The Society will not die, and the finger of God is here”. Since then the Society of Pilar has grown tremendously. Above all,Fr. Agnelo was a fiery preacher and much sought after for his ministry in the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. Because of his profound spiritual life and insights he was appointed Spiritual Director of the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol, Goa.

An ardent lover and preacher of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fr. Agnelo having preached all the novenas, was giving his final sermon to the seminarians towards the devotion to the Sacred Heart, from a high pulpit, on 19th November 1927, when he collapsed in the pulpit. He died next morning. At his death people exclaimed. “Today a saint has died.”Fr. Agnelo is ineeded a saint. Immediately after his death devotion abounded and spread far and wide. Today hundreds & thousands of people all over the world are blessed through his intercession. He was declared “Venerable” by Pope Paul II, and we await and pray eagerly that he may be officially declared “Blessed” soon. His life motivates everyone to strive for holiness and stand for truth.


Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier alias the ‘Society of Pilar’ is an indigenous Indian Catholic Organization, founded in Goa in 1887 by Rev. Fr. Bento Martins a Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Goa Daman and Diu. The aim of the Society is to share the Good Newsof true human well-being as proclaimed by Jesus Christ. Initially, the activity of its members was confined to the boundaries of Goa and its surrounding areas. However, in 1939, the Society received a new thrust and vitality, and from then on its members ventured to work far and wide in different parts of India, zealously spreading the Gospel values. One of the focuses of the Society’s work has been in the field of education.

Today the Society of Pilar has about 60 Residential Units and counts about 356 members working in several parts of India from Jammu in the North to Chennai in the South, from Gujarat and Mumbai in the West to far–off Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the East, and even abroad. The Society runs Schools and Colleges and several Hostels and Orphanages, besides engaging in other social welfare activities.

The Province of Kolkata is one of the four Provinces of the Society of Pilar constituted in July 2004, which commits itself to the services of the Society in thirteen States and two Union Territories of North Eastern India. The Pilar Fathers, however, have been working in these areas since 1950. Hence, Fr. Agnel School, Ranchi is an integral unit this province that imparts wisdom by educating lesser privileged and those on the peripheries of society.

Our Vision

Wisdom Triumphs being the motto of the school, we strive to provide sound education based on moral values; help them to acquire a holistic approach towards life thereby prepare them to build a community of informed and responsible men and women capable to face the challenges of 21st century with self-determination and confidence